How to protect yourself from STDs

In the last century and a short time ago, the average life expectancy has grown exponentially throughout the planet. Even in those countries where, unfortunately, it is still not as high as we would expect. And it is that inequalities continue to occur, but thanks to science, and especially to health, they seem somewhat less important in this 21st century. Health advances have made an epidemic like Covid 19 hard, but not definitive. The evolution of vaccines, of medicines, allows us to have a longer, placid and healthier life. Just a few decades ago, a bad flu could kill us, and now this is more than unlikely. It is not strange to meet people who are over 100 years old, and each time the horizon points to that age more and more to have a long and full life. However, much remains to be done.

In fact, now this blessing could become a real problem if we do not know how to manage it properly. We are many people on the planet, and perhaps we are ending natural resources, but not because there are not enough for everyone, but because we distribute them very badly. Our consumption system urges us to always be buying, always spending, to continue producing more and more. raw materials are running out, and no matter how hard they try to stop this devastating gear and make it more ecological and sustainable, this seems a utopia . What does the future hold if we continue at this same rate of consumption? Many are already considering the idea of ​​ not having children , only to not continue to “support” this system that does not seem to have a brake. Or simply, because they prefer to have a life freer of responsibilities. This, which today can still attract attention, was unthinkable until a few decades ago. Couples had children, unless they had some fertility problem. However, the invention of contraceptive methods managed to give a new meaning to sexual pleasure. And incidentally, it also helped control some of the most dangerous diseases of the 19th century.

What are sexually transmitted diseases

As their name suggests, sexually transmitted diseases are health disorders that are transmitted through intimate relationships. They are known for short as STDs , and they have been around forever. In fact, before the invention of condoms and other methods, they were a very common cause of infection and death. There are all kinds of them, of course, and not all of them are so serious, but it is better not to risk it when contracting one . These diseases are transmitted through fluids, both during intercourse and oral sex, and can generate serious problems in the person who becomes infected, although it can also be asymptomatic.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases range from glamidia to herpes , to more serious ones such as tuberculosis , syphilis or AIDS . Although the latter are already more controlled and do not pose as great a danger as in previous centuries, their transmission is still possible. That is why it is best to take precautions against it. Not just for us, but also for the people we’re sleeping with. If we are in a traditional relationship but we have been enjoying sex elsewhere, contracting one of these diseases can endanger the relationship completely, as it will be an unequivocal sign that we have had relationships with other people .

Protection methods

The transmission of this type of disease can be stopped in a relatively simple way, using the same contraceptive methods as in order not to get pregnant. The most effective is undoubtedly abstinence , although we know that most are not willing to be without sex. If we decide to have sex, at least we will do it in the safest way possible, through the means that we already have. There are no excuses, and sex ed is clear enough by now to know the risks of having unprotected sex. Hence, the most widely used means for this type of safe relationships is the condom.

When the boy puts on a condom , it protects him 99% from an unwanted pregnancy, as well as from a possible transmission of a disease of this type. It is the most common method, and also the most effective , since others such as the IUD only prevent the semen from reaching its destination, but not from entering the vagina. In the same way, you have to be very careful with oral sex, since many think that these STDs are not transmitted that way, and they are wrong. There are many sexually transmitted diseases that catch when performing oral sex, both the boy and the girl. In the case of the boy, at least, the same protection of the condom also works in this case, because the fluids never enter the body of the other person. If you perform oral sex on a girl you know that you may run the risk of catching an STD , although if the girl does not have symptoms it is quite unlikely.

Always safe sex

Since the invention of these contraceptive methods , the image of sex has changed dramatically. They were created as a means to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and to also stop this type of infectious diseases . In both senses, the objective has been achieved, but there is still a long way to go. Sex without a condom presents obvious risks, especially among casual partners. However, many men prefer to do it without a condom because they do not feel comfortable wearing it, or because they do not experience the same pleasure. This can be a mistake because in the end, the consequences can be much worse than having a “hard time” by not enjoying one hundred percent of the relationship bareback.

Escorts take it seriously

So far we have talked about sexually transmitted diseases as something general among any part of the population. However, there is a group in which these types of diseases are more common, by pure logic and statistics. professional escorts base their work on having relationships with men, and that makes them have many sexual partners. The spread of these diseases by prostitutes has been one of the reasons that has led society to marginalize them, in an exaggerated way, on the other hand. Today, most escorts force their clients to wear condoms , to avoid these types of circumstances, and sex with a condom is very normalized even with escorts . Some do carry out the service of natural French, unprotected oral sex, but not all do it. And most of them, out of pure precaution , are always tested to detect these types of diseases before transmitting them.